Monday, November 24, 2008


It was a "roller coaster" type of day ... one moment you're okay and the next you feel drained and lonely, swamped with a thousand and one things to think of....

I went home from work tired physically, emotionally and financially. Stress and finacial problems are again taking its toll... but something jilted me back to my senses... the "thanksgiving" blog entry of my friend who is thousands of miles away.

She wrote ... she was thankful for the colleagues, friends, family , husband she has by her side. But most of her, she was grateful that finally after years of trying she finally got pregnant but unfortunately lost the baby after a week. I admire my friend because despite what she's going through she still manage to see the positive side of things.... which got me to thinking... if only i have half of her optism and outlook in life perhaps i wouldnt be too stressed out and be feeling drained and out...

I've been writing almost half of my life .... I have known great writers from the industry but the best writer of all is the big boss Up there who never fails to open my eyes and never fails to amaze me with the twists and turns in this big drama called Life.

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