Saturday, September 04, 2010


So glad and thankful that My Little Julia is on her way to recovery after suffering from fever, rashes and mouth sores. And I am relieved when her pedia explained what she is going thru (Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease in Children), a viral disease which usually affects children below 5 years old .Nothing serious although of course, you wouldnt want your Little One experience any pain or discomfort. If you can only spare them from such ordeal.

Anyway, so happy that she is slowly bouncing back and on the way to recovery. She can now finish off a KFC one-pc chicken order and/or rounds of dinner..... She is also back in her "kulit and kalat" ways with her toys all over the floor.

Hopefully in a day or two everything will be back to normal again...... And I can really say goodbye to this ugly Viral Disease !

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