Sunday, August 29, 2010


This morning had to rush home from work for my daughter who is down w/fever with a temp of 39.4 ... Good thing my boss was kind and understanding enough to let me go home after just rendering 3 hrs of work. The drive home felt so long when in fact it took me arnd 2o mins given it was Sunday.

Having a sick daughter is one of the worst thing every mom goes through. If only you can spare her from all the pain in the world, you'll gladly do it... but life doesnt work that way. I am just hoping and praying after tonight, everything will be back to normal again, so my little Princess can sing and dance till late at night, singing all the barney songs she so loved.

I know its going to be a long night for me, hubby and Julia... but we're keeping our fingers crossed we can kick off this fever by tomorrow !!!

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