Sunday, September 11, 2005


you know how it feels when you're waiting for something and you can't do anything except watch the time tick away as you wait for things to happen ????

i remember the first time i tried the pregnancy kit test... it was early morning, my mind was barely working as i wait for the results... and when i saw the two lines, i didn't know what to do. i knew somehow what to expect before hand but when it was right in front of you, you can't help but ask "if its really true". well, now six months later i couldn't help but smile as i recall that memorable morning. i know i still have three months of waiting before i could really hold my little angel, and here i am, waiting....waiting..waiting... (in excitement =) )

but before the big day arrives, i find myself waiting for my "other baby" to unfold ... MY EVENTS PROJECT. I've done my homework, did the project plan and forwarded it to friends for evaluation and waiting for response. everyday i would check my email hoping to hear something from them regarding this endeavor and sometimes this "waiting game" could really get to you. there are days that i am positive about things but things change when i don't get any response in my inbox. i guess this is part of the process my project has to go through, just like having a baby, this events project of mine must go through different stages so when i start to launch it, everything will be fine.... let's just put it this way, no one wants a premature baby, diba?

i just hope things will work out just fine for me, my little angel and my new project. i know with determination, hard work and prayers everything will fall into place.

Thursday, September 01, 2005


WEEK 1 Business Preparation ...

i have my "buy and sell" ads paper right beside me, list of possible suppliers, internet hooked up for couple of hours and i could feel the adranelin rush...... i've been like this for days now, trying to contact as many people as i can to help me out with my new project - the events business....... there are times i'd wake up earlier than usual and find myself thinking of how i can start this new project of mine. it's like a spell that i couldn't get out of my system. well i have to admit there are days that i get cold feet and ask myself if i can do it considering the fact that i don't have the finances to start this ..... but then i would bounce back to visualizing things, setting up meetings with clients, going to divisoria to buy the supplies, dressing up for the event and all that stuff.... things that would pump up my adrenalin level once again. I guess this is what you call gut feel. And like what they sometimes say, just follow your gut feel, you'll never know where it'll take you.....