Sunday, October 12, 2008

Welcome To the World of Blogging

I've heard of cashing in some bucks while blogging so i told myself might as well give it a try. At least its something i really love to do (blogging that is) and something that i know i am capable of doing....

So the first question is what should i write to earn something ????? I know there are one thousand and one things to write about but doesnt have any idea where or how to start. I usually write about something personal that i dont think most people on the worldwide web would care about but hey, who knows i could be wrong ... and in this case, i hope i'm wrong....
because i would really need the extra bucks and i would really love to write, and write.... and write.....

so as for now, i'm keeping my fingers crossed and hope one day someone will stumble upon my site, would be brave enough to trust my writing skills and make me richer by a few bucks :)

In the meantime, I'll just continue blogging ......

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