We call this Our Family Picture because technically, all of us are more than friends ... we're a family. Over the years we've been through a lot.. heartaches, death in the family, pregnancies ... but through thick and thin, we've managed to overcome the problems and never fail to smile when we look back.
The past few weeks i've been through a series of ups and downs and if it weren't the support of these great friends, i really don't know how i'll survive. They've always been there to help me out... aside from the financial help, they never fail to uplift my spirit when i needed it most. When i'm tired and almost ready to give up i just turn to them and things get better.
Before i get all mushy and teary eyed , i know simple thank is not enough for everything... but for now, that's what i can afford....
I know i've been very blessed bec the Lord gave me Great friends....
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