Thursday, March 13, 2008

Barney ... Marney !!!

Yup, that's Julia's favorite name in the world right now... i dont know what it is with Barney, but it seems all the kids are addicted to this purple dinosaur.... she can watch barney the moment she wakes up till midnight over and over again. There was a time her yaya had to hide all the vcds so that we can watch regular programming. She is so into this BArney thing that we adults have memorized all the songs as well that I sometimes find myself humming the melody in the middle of my shift...

I know in a year or two she'll outgrow BArney.. but for the meantime i let her enjoy every minuet of it....

Thursday, March 06, 2008


Last Tuesday we had a grand time in Timezone, Trinoma. This is a first for the whole family... First time we went to Trinoma and strolled around the area, and the first time to hang out in Timezone...

Again, more than anything , it was our little Princess Julia who enjoyed the gimik, she loved it so much we're planning to visit the place next week.

Seq 1: Interior.... Work Area/Study... Night

Yup... i'm back writing the familiar sluglines.... God is really good coz after almost four years i suddenly found myself in familiar territories, trying my hand in writing once again. I feel lucky because i am given another chance to do what i love to do most... Scriptwriting. And the people i'm working with are really nice bec they let me continue my regular job and do my writing on the side. I'm really excited with this new chapter/endeavor but at the same time i'm nervous because its been a long, long time. It feels like i'm the neophyte writer trying my luck. I hope and pray i still have what it takes to see my name on OBB and experience the same high when i see and hear my lines in the boob tube. So in the meantime, i'm signing off so i can start my treatment due this weekend......

fade to ...