Thursday, November 29, 2007

Like Mother...Like Daughter....

My little princess is starting to follow her mom's footsteps... typing a word or two... hmmm looks like we have another writer in the family ...

Thursday, November 22, 2007

How to eat homemade peanut butter

This is Julia's favorite past time, eating home made peanut butter straight from the bottle...hmmmm yum, yum !!!!!

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Lazy Sunday Afternoon

I love Sunday afternoons when i have the house by myself bec everybody else is sleeping... hehehe... it gives me enough time to relax, surf the net and write. Lets just say that this is my time for myself.... if others find joy in spending hours in the parlor, i on the other savor the moments in front of my laptop with my coffee. this is what i call the simple joys in life. In an hour or two, my princess will be up and running again... that too is another source of joy for me but in the meantime, let me enjoy the sound of my keyboard under my fingers as i finish up this entry...